What is the parenting
through separation
This four hour course is available free of charge to you and is run by providers in your local area. Click here to view a list of Parenting Through Separation Providers in Auckland.
Or call 0800 211 211 and you will be directed to a programme in your local area. Attending the Parenting Through Separation Programme will increase your understanding of how separation affects children. The programme will also increase your understanding of the out-of-court Family Dispute Resolution process and the Family Court. Below is a summary of what the course is about. This material can also be found on the Ministry of Justice website.
About the parenting through separation programme
Parenting through Separation is a free information programme to help you help your kids when you separate.
The programme content has been written by leading professionals who specialise in helping families when parents have separated.
The information and tips in the programme are highly rated by parents who have already attended. The content covers:
• how separation affects children
• what children need during separation
• talking with children
• talking with ex-partners about arrangements for the children
• keeping children away from arguments
• how the Family Court works
What happens at the parenting through separation programme?
You will be in a small group with other parents (up to 16 people). A programme leader will provide you with information. It is not a support group or counselling session, but there are opportunities for you to ask questions and problem-solve parenting issues.
You will be given brochures to take home and two free DVDs - one for yourself and one for your children. The DVDs have in-depth interviews of New Zealand parents and children who have experienced separation. The DVDs also have lots of helpful tips from a child psychologist and a counsellor.
Who else will be at the programme?
Some parents who attend the programme have just separated and others have been apart for longer. Parents who are just thinking about separating attend as well.
Separation has been straightforward for some parents who attend and for others, there has been disagreement or major conflict. Attendance is always voluntary. The programme is only for adults, not children.
The programme leader makes sure the programme is welcoming and relaxed. You may be able to bring along a support person, ask your programme provider when you book in.
Will my ex-partner be there?
No. It is best for both parents to attend the programme, but at different times. The programme is designed to help you with your children, it is not a forum for mediating disagreements between parents.
Let the programme provider know when you book in if you have a different family name from your ex-partner, so the provider can make sure you are not at the same session.
Who are the programme leaders?
The leaders are all experienced in working with families. Some of them are independent professionals and others work for organisations. They have all been approved by, and work under a contract to the Ministry of Justice.
How much time does the parenting through separation programme take?
The programme usually takes place over two sessions of about two hours.
When is the right time to go to the parenting through separation programme?
The earlier in your separation you can get to a programme the better for you and your children. Remember, you can go to a programme even if you are just thinking of separating.
Even where parents have been separated for some time, they have still learnt things that make a positive difference.
Will the parenting through separation programme give me legal advice?
No, but it will give you useful information about the Family Court, and help you understand what to expect from a family lawyer.
How do I get to a parenting through separation programme?
The programme is run in over 170 places around the country and in most areas there are one or two programmes running each month.
All you need to do is to ring up and book yourself in. The programme and all the resources you take home are free.
Contact Antoinette Vujnovich, Auckland family lawyer, to discuss your Auckland Family Court application or make an appointment.
m: 021 210 0930