Who are the guardians
of a child?
Usually, a child's mother and father are joint guardians of the child. They are often referred to as the child's natural guardians.
A child's mother is automatically a guardian of the child. The child's father is a guardian if one or more of the following applies -
- He was married to or in a civil union with the child's mother at any time from when the child was conceived until it was born
- The child was conceived before 1 July 2005 and he was living with the child's mother when the child was born
- The child was conceived on or after 1 July 2005 and he was living with the child's mother at any time between conception and the birth, or
- He was recorded as the father of the child on the birth certificate on or after 1 July 2005.
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How can a father be appointed as his child's guardian?
A father can apply to the Family Court to be appointed as a guardian of the child.
Contact Family Lawyer
Antoinette Vujnovich, family lawyer, is available by appointment at the following locations:
Waihi, Bay of Plenty
Waihi Community Resource Centre
4 Mueller St, Waihi
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Katikati, Bay of Plenty
15 Talisman Drive, Katikati
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Manukau City, Auckland
Level 1, 3/12 Laidlaw Way,
East Tamaki
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930