Standard conditions of a
Protection Order
Protection Orders contain standard "non-violence conditions" that apply in every case, and also "non-contact conditions" that apply unless the applicant agrees to the respondent living with them or having contact with them.
The non-violence conditions of a protection order prevent the respondent from:
- Engaging in physical, sexual or psychological abuse towards the applicant or any other person protected under the order (which automatically includes the applicant's children), or threatening to do this
- Damaging the applicant's property, or threatening to do this
- Encouraging other people to do any of these prohibited things.
The non-contact conditions of a protection order prohibit the respondent from doing things such as:
- Watching or hanging around the applicant home or workplace
- Following the applicant around
- Phoning or writing to the applicant (except in emergencies or other excepted situations).
Contact Family Lawyer
Antoinette Vujnovich, family lawyer, is available by appointment at the following locations:
Waihi, Bay of Plenty
Waihi Community Resource Centre
4 Mueller St, Waihi
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Katikati, Bay of Plenty
15 Talisman Drive, Katikati
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Manukau City, Auckland
Level 1, 3/12 Laidlaw Way,
East Tamaki
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930