What is Domestic
Domestic violence can include:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Psychological abuse - including intimidation, harassment, damage to property, threats of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or psychological abuse
- Financial or economic abuse (for example, denying or limiting access to financial resources, or preventing or restricting employment opportunities or access to education).
In relation to a child domestic violence can also include:
- Psychological abuses in the form of causing or allowing the child to see or hear the physical, sexual, or psychological abuse of a person with whom the child has a domestic relationship or putting the child, or allowing the child to be put, at real risk of seeing or hearing that abuse occurring.
(Note - the person who suffers that abuse is not regarded as having caused or allowed the child to see or hear the abuse).
A person must be in a "domestic relationship" with the perpetrator in order to apply for a protection order.
Contact Family Lawyer
Antoinette Vujnovich, family lawyer, is available by appointment at the following locations:
Waihi, Bay of Plenty
Waihi Community Resource Centre
4 Mueller St, Waihi
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Katikati, Bay of Plenty
15 Talisman Drive, Katikati
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Manukau City, Auckland
Level 1, 3/12 Laidlaw Way,
East Tamaki
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930