Applying for a Protection
Order – Cost of
legal services
Legal Aid is available for eligible clients.
If you are not eligible for Legal Aid you may wish to engage Antoinette Vujnovich, barrister, on a fixed fee basis. A fixed fees of $900* (inc. gst) is available for acting for you in relation to an application for Protection Order. This includes:
- Meeting with you to take your instructions, advising you and discussing options
- Drafting your application for Protection Order and your affidavit in support for the court
- Filing your application for Protection Order with the Family Court
- Arranging for service of proceedings upon the other party
- Receiving affidavit of service and filing with the Family Court.
Attendances beyond this point are cannot be quantified as a fixed fee and the cost of ongoing legal services will revert to a time and attendance basis at my usual rate of $220.00 (+ gst) per hour.
Family Court filing fees do not apply for applications for Protection Orders.
* Plus document service costs starting at $100.
Contact Family Lawyer
Antoinette Vujnovich, family lawyer, is available by appointment at the following locations:
Waihi, Bay of Plenty
Waihi Community Resource Centre
4 Mueller St, Waihi
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Katikati, Bay of Plenty
15 Talisman Drive, Katikati
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930
Manukau City, Auckland
Level 1, 3/12 Laidlaw Way,
East Tamaki
p: (07) 929 7982
m: 021 210 0930